Edward's Stories # 10
They just finished the team meeting
The first one in the new format.
Not the long-winded one from the past
Where most of the talking
Was done by Edward himself.
No no no.
Edward looked out the window
He had a smile on his face
And shining eyes.
He just met his “new team”
He feels his confidence on the rise
Excitement has taken over
Although …
He knows there is still a long way to go.
This Monday morning
Every team member spoke briefly
About their visit to
The Theatre of their Dreams.
Then … every one of the team
Stated their commitments for the week
What they would deliver by Friday.
It was incredible!
Edward himself As member of team
Told them which clients he would visit.
Additionally …
He had seen in his Theatre
Himself paying visits to the competitors.
Something his team has asked him to do
So many times before.
Looking out the window
Edward realized then
The meeting had only lasted 20 minutes.
Wow …!
In that short time span
The entire team shared
Their commitments for the week. Plus an open conversation
About who needed support.
Sarah took the initiative there.
Edward noticed a new energy in the room
As each person spoke
Their words building
A shared excitement for the week ahead.
Instead of meeting for over an hour
Now 20 minutes resulted
In commitments made
By the entire team
Including Edward himself.
He had never felt
Such great energies as today
He felt a new level of connection
With and within the team.
Edward felt …
He knows … this will be a great week indeed.
P.S. You know how you and your team will finish the week?