Edward's Stories # 13
The last two days
Sarah’s words Kept popping up in Edward’s mind
His co-workers checking his mood
Before they start their day …
It can’t be
It’s not healthy.
So …
Edward started to pay attention
Checked if his co-workers
Observed him – and his mood.
Oh yes …
Sarah was right
Edward recognized he had no idea.
Not only of these dynamics …
But also not
Of his co-workers being so dependent
On his mood … on his being.
Edward invited Sarah
For another walk … after lunch this time.
The day had started off greyish
While walking in the park
The clouds became white
The sun appeared
And elevated Edward’s mood.
Sarah, Edward said,
Imagine how the sun – as well
Is teaching me a lesson …
Both of you.
I realize now
If we don’t take charge
Of our emotions
We’re swept along by circumstances
Like the wind.
If we don’t take charge
Of our greyish thoughts …
We’ll – consequently –
Not have as good a day as we could.
Sarah, I realize now …
I do not know enough
About our team
What makes each one ‘tick’
Why do they work with us
What are their expectations
What do they want to realize
Knowing their WHYs will help me
Understand their mood dependence
Lead better and create
Stronger connections with the team.
The sun started to shine
Even brighter
When Edward told Sarah
In the next team meeting
He talks about his personal WHY
What makes him ‘tick’.
Edward realizes
He needs to be the example first
Then invite his co-workers
To think about their WHY.
Sharing this with Sarah …
He sees her eyes shine.
Thank you, thank you Sarah
For opening my eyes
I see better now …
Understand more and better.
Can you imagine EdwardSarah said
How the team dynamics change
When everyone realizes
It makes sense to work together
The WHYs being aligned.
Edward looked up …
The sky was beautiful
All grey gone
He could look further now.
He imagined he could see
The Theatre of his Mind
In the sky.
Edward felt energized
Looking forward
To visualize the upcoming team meeting.
P.S. Do you – really - know why your co-workers work with you?
P.S. Do you – really - know why your co-workers work with you?