Edward's Stories # 16
Sunday morning
Edward just came back
From a long walk with Athena, the border collie
It was a joyful walk.
Last week had been great
Finished on a high note
With the review meeting
Athena sensed the energies
A happy walking partner.
Friday’s meeting
Became a brilliant review of the week
Commitments honored by all
All team members
Recognizing they embarked together
On an exciting journey
Realizing they can do so much more
Sarah told Edward
The team suggests …
Four critical points - questions really –
To be included in the review’s agenda:
1. What went well?
2. What didn’t go according to expectation or commitment?
3. What did we learn?
4. Which adjustments need to be made to next week commitments?
Wow … Edward expressed his thoughts
Fantastic idea and suggestions, team.
Let’s do it and … ensure together
We make progress every week.
Thomas then spoke up
Edward, he said, I’ve been thinking
The Law of Cause and Effect
Doesn’t really describe
How we look at
Living our life …
Running our business.
Isn’t it that we first
Decide what we want
→ The effects
Then figure out
The best way to make that happen
→ The cause?
So …
How about turning it around
Call the law …
The Law of Effect and Cause?
The team fell silent
Thomas’ suggestion hit home!
Edward took the word and said …
Thomas, that is a
Fantastic suggestion
Let’s use this already
In our commitment meeting on Monday.
High fives were given.
The team enthusiastic
Edward enjoying now in silence
He realized how far
They had come as a team.
All this crossed Edward’s mind
While walking with Athena.
But there was something else
Which took him by surprise on Friday.
Late Friday evening
Edward went to his special corner
Entered the Theatre of his Mind
With great energies
Calm … and yes proud of himself
With the progress made during the week
Proud of the new ways he is discovering
Including the 3-minute visualizations.
Leading people can be joyful
It is not about him, Edward
It’s about the team
About each one.
In the Theatre of his Mind
Edward suddenly understood
His role
Creator of the conditions
For his team to flourish.
In the Theatre of his Mind
Edward smiled
and said ‘Thank You’
‘I am so grateful’.
Edward smiled
He felt grateful - for his team
Their journey, and the potential ahead.
How did you end the week? Journal which lessons you learned and how you make the new week so much better.