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Michiel Kerbert

Why do we work together, Edward?

Sarah asked during last week’s strategy meeting.

Edward smiled and answered

Team, that’s exactly 

What we will decide these coming weeks.

We will go beyond last year’s boundaries

Notwithstanding the great progress we made. 

Who feels that we as individuals …

We are meant for more?

Who feels as division …

We only scratched the surface?

The entire team said 

“Oh, yes!”

It’s now Sunday evening 

Edward reflects about last week

Before he enters the Theatre of his Mind

To visualize the coming week.

Last week’s strategy meeting: 

Contrarian and incredible.

Edward outlined his suggestion

His invitation

To imagine how the division would be

When they started from scratch.

Who would they be?

What would they do?

How would they do it?

Based on which principles?

Edward and his team

Already discovered last year

The importance of aligning 

Personal and organizational WHYs.

But then what?

Knowing these … talking about them

Isn’t enough.

During the holidays

Edward studied again the Hero’s Journey.

He realized that everyone 

Has the opportunity 

To make their life a hero’s journey.

Individuals as well as 

Teams, organizations and communities.

With that in mind 

Edward developed a methodology

Which he loved to share with the team

He decided otherwise …

As he wanted to find a way 

Which would make the discoveries 

Natural and meaningful.

Life is a dynamic system

Everyone has their own journey to make

But …

The step-by-step approach 

Can be the same for all.

Edward recalls Sarah’s deep question

“Why do we work together, Edward?”

Edward responded 

“How about we as team 

Work on a methodology together

Which leads to answer 

Not only that question 

But also gives us the meaning 

We are looking for in our lives?”

Edward recognizes the power of 

‘WE’ and Co-creation. 

Edward had learned from his team

Providing instructions doesn’t work

Everyone needs to make

Their own discoveries

Come to their own conclusions.

It’s about giving confidence 

About providing space

Then … the best results appear.

Edward is looking forward to 

Another incredible week.

He will now visualize 

In the Theatre of his Mind

The step-by-step methodology

They will work on together.

He sees WHY and Vision

As the critical starting point.

One thing is for sure:

It will be contrarian.

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